Black Friday is a huge opportunity for businesses to boost profits, and with record breaking amounts of money being spent every year the pressure is on. We understand that preparing for such an event can be stressful to say the least. This is particularly true when it's such an important time to nail your email marketing strategy. Implementing a …
Black Friday is a huge opportunity for businesses to boost profits, and with record breaking amounts of money being spent every year the pressure is on. We understand that preparing for such an event can bestressful to say the least. This is particularly true when it’s such an important time to nail your email marketing strategy. Implementing a well thought out, effective email marketing strategy can yield huge benefits for businesses so getting it right is key.
As the biggest day in the retail calendar looms, we thought we’d offer businesses a helping hand. We have added brand new, Black Friday corporate ecards for you to send to customers this November.
Black Friday Corporate Ecard
With our Black Friday business ecards you can create and save mailing lists ensuring you are offering a personalised service and track the success of your campaigns with our in house analytics. So, customise your card with your logo, a message, a website link and then choose your sending options – easy!